You'll wish that summer
could always
be here!

Do ordinary things with extraordinary love.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Holiday Shelf: Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine
retold and illustrated by Robert Sabuda

When the jailer heard of the priest's arrest, he hurried to the cell.

"There has been an uprising in the streets and the Christians are being blamed," he told Valentine.  "Many have been imprisoned.  The emperor has ordered it.  There is nothing I can do."

Valentine slowly nodded and asked for a pen and ink and something to write on, which the jailer hurried to get.  When he came back, the priest quickly wrote on the scrap of papyrus and handed it back to the jailer.

Valentine Surprise
by Corinne Demas
illstrated by R. W. Alley

On Monday, Lily worked at her little table by the window.

She made a valentine.
But the heart was too pointy.

She hid it under her bed.

Valentine Thoughts
by Jane E. Gerver
illustrated by Kathy Mitchell

Round chocolate candy in a square golden box,

Red and pink sparkles on Valentine socks.

The Very Special Valentine
by Christine Tagg
illustrated by Maggie Kneen

"I spy a shower of emeralds,
a lovely green cascade!"

"But look up in the sky,"
calls Fox.

And Bunny's soon dismayed.

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