You'll wish that summer
could always
be here!

Do ordinary things with extraordinary love.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday Tales

A weekly peek at what we're reading.
Post your peek in the comments and share your favorite books!

Anne is reading
The Woman I Was Born to Be by Susan Boyle

As I finished, there was a moment of pure silence.  I was aware of the other children turning to look at me with their mouths hanging open.  Then all the teachers started clapping and smiling at me.  I'd seen other children doing well and getting praised, but I had no idea what it actually felt like to be good at something.  It was as if I was a balloon filling with air and floating up into the sky.

Holly is reading
Saying Grace by Virginia Kroll

Grace and her younger brother swished through the fallen leaves and breathed their delicious smell.  Grace spun in circles under the still-warm sunshine.  "What a glorious day, Isaiah!" she shouted, her worries forgotten for the moment.

Lily is reading
Merry Thanksgiving by Natasha Wing

Joey made a list.  "Well, it looks like we're having sardines, peas, beets, pearl onions, garbanzo beans, and tapioca pudding."

Mrs. Melvin burst into tears.

Joey gave her a big hug.  "It's okay, Mom.  Everything we need is right here."

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