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Anne is still reading
Unfinished Desires by Gail Godwin

Mother Ravenel was intently studying her. "I'll tell you what, Maud. I'm going to offer a suggestion. I want you to go to the chapel now and pray about this talk we have had. Don't try to figure anything out; now is not the time for figuring. Just make an offering of it to God and leave it there with Him. Then go on with your usual activities and trust Him to start working on it. Then go back to the chapel before you go to bed and stay there until the nuns' Compline at nine. You may be excused from evening study hall."
"And -- what do I do in chapel the second time?"
"Just kneel in an atitude of prayer, and listen. See what comes. Prayer is not always talk, talk, talk. I want you to get used to being alone with God. This is an ideal time, the middle of Holy Week. The whole communion of Christ is in mourning, but we're preparing for his Resurrection. I will be praying over this, too. Let's call it your intention. And we'll keep it between ourselves, shall we, Maud?"
"Yes, Mother."
"I will just say one further thing. If we both conclude that God wants you to stay at Mount St. Gabriel's, a way will be found."
Holly is reading
Glenda Glinka, Witch-At-Large by Janice May Udry
Glenda thought. "I haven't made purple ones for a long time. How about two batches, one purple and one green?"
"That ought to do it," said Kazbo. "Are you going to put in those little crunchy beetles this time?"
"Of course," said Glenda. "I want these to be the best P.T.A. cookies there!"
Lily is reading
Crepes by Suzette by Monica Wellington
From the gardens close by come the laughter and chatter of children just dismissed from school. They all want crepes filled with chocolate. C'est bon!
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